Noteathon / LC-DP


July 21, 2021



  • Top Down vs Bottom Up ?
    • Top Down : Breaking large problems, into smaller problems and then solving the base cases.
    • Bottom Up : We start with the bases cases, where we use the solved problems and then solve the rest of the problems.
Coin Change
  • Recursive solution :
    • Space : O(Amount/minDenomination) because if the amount is 10 and we have Coin of 2,3,5 then max we can do is minimal with 5*2 coins
    • Time : O(2Amount/minDenomination).
  • Why Power of 2, is because of the choice we have. Lets’s say we have 5 elements then we have 25 choices.
  • When done using TopDown,
    • Space : O(Amount * N)
    • Time : O(Amount * N) - since we are just fetching the value of the base cases which are presolved. Fetching will take O(1) which is done for all the sub problems - Amount * N.
Rob House
  • Recursive approach :
    • Space : We are going to iterate each house or skip robbing then worst case Space : O(N)
    • Time : O(2N), since here we have to two choices whether to rob the house or not.
Paint Color houses
  • Recursive approach :
    • Space : : O(N); at any point houses are N only, not related with color.
    • Time : O(3 * 2N-1) ~ (C-1)^n. where c color and n houses. Since first house we are checking all the cost to Paint House 1 with Red, then Blue and Green. So getting the minimum of all three. For the first house, we have 3 choices and the rest (n-1) houses we have two choices. ```java class Solution { int dp[][]; public static final int[] pColor0 = new int[]{1,2}; public static final int[] pColor1 = new int[]{0,2}; public static final int[] pColor2 = new int[]{0,1};

    public int minCost(int[][] costs) { dp = new int[101][4]; for(int[] row : dp){ Arrays.fill(row,-1); } int cost0 = paintHouse(costs, costs.length, 0); int cost1 = paintHouse(costs, costs.length, 1); int cost2 = paintHouse(costs, costs.length, 2);

      int maxVal = Math.min(cost0,Math.min(cost1,cost2));
      return maxVal;   }

    private int paintHouse(int[][] costs, int houseIdx, int paintColor){ if(houseIdx<=0){ return 0; }

      int paintCost = costs[houseIdx-1][paintColor];
          return dp[houseIdx][paintColor];
      if(paintColor == 0){
          int color1 = pColor0[0];
          int color2 = pColor0[1];
          return dp[houseIdx][paintColor] = paintCost + Math.min(paintHouse(costs, houseIdx-1, color1), 
                          paintHouse(costs, houseIdx-1, color2));
      if(paintColor == 1){
          int color1 = pColor1[0];
          int color2 = pColor1[1];
          return dp[houseIdx][paintColor] = paintCost + Math.min(paintHouse(costs, houseIdx-1, color1), 
                          paintHouse(costs, houseIdx-1, color2));
      if(paintColor == 2){
          int color1 = pColor2[0];
          int color2 = pColor2[1];
          return dp[houseIdx][paintColor] = paintCost + Math.min(paintHouse(costs, houseIdx-1, color1), 
                          paintHouse(costs, houseIdx-1, color2));
      return 0;   } } ```


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