Py Excel Sheets Merger
July 18, 2021
What is it ?
This is simple script to merge the different excel sheets into a single file. It may not be much useful, but I had to design this for a friends an automation script to get all the data into a single file.
Pseudo Code
The requirement is to read each sheet data and merge into a sigle sheet. Step 1: Import libraries and global variables Step 2: Get no of sheets to read Step 3: Read each sheet and append to variable Step 4: Write the data to a new excel sheet
Import library pandas and writer
import pandas as pd
# Global Variables
from pandas import ExcelWriter
Define path and variables
excelFilePathIs = ""
sheetsFoundAre = []
sheetData = []
leave_rows_between_sheet_merging = 2
Global var and path
def set_excel_path():
global excelFilePathIs
excelFilePathIs = "/home/suhaas/PycharmProjects/PychieWorks/ExcelSheetCollager/resources/TestSheetExceFormat.xlsx"
print("Excel Path : ", excelFilePathIs)
To get individual sheets
def get_all_sheet_names(df):
global sheetsFoundAre
sheetsFoundAre = df.sheet_names
Read file and append to data variable
def read_excel_file():
xls = pd.ExcelFile(excelFilePathIs)
print("Sheets found : ", len(sheetsFoundAre))
global sheetData
for eachSheet in sheetsFoundAre:
sheetData.append(pd.read_excel(xls, eachSheet))
Write the data to a new excel sheet
def write_sheet_data_to_excel():
print("Creating a new Sheet : \'hello.xlsx\'")
workbook = ExcelWriter('hello.xlsx')
# worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
print("Merging Sheets")
__start_col = 0
__start_row = 0
for idx, eachSheetData in enumerate(sheetData):
print("Writing : ", idx + 1, "/", len(sheetData))
sheet_range = range(len(eachSheetData.index))
print(sheet_range.start, " ", sheet_range.step, " ", sheet_range.stop)
eachSheetData.to_excel(workbook, 'Sheet1', header=True, index=False,
startcol=__start_col, startrow=__start_row)
__start_col = __start_col + sheet_range.start
__start_row = __start_row + sheet_range.stop + leave_rows_between_sheet_merging
Procedural execution