Noteathon / Java DS Algorithms

Java DS Algorithms

July 17, 2021

Java DS Algo :anchor:


  • organises and store data
  • Which one to use ? depends on the application use, as a developer choose the best based on the scenario
  • fds



Wikipedia - Comparision of different algorithms

  • Time : compare the worst-case in all scenarios, as we cannot compare the best or the average case.
  • Memory : It is cheap, mostly now a day we dont see.
  • Big (O) notation : compare the time complexity of different algorithms (no of steps)
    • e.g [Best -> Worst] : O(1) - Constant, O(log2n) - Logarithmic, O(n) - Linear, O(nlog2n) - n log*n, O(n2) - Quadratic


  • When relative order of duplicate item is preserved it is a stable sort, else unstable.
  • But who cares for integers, they can come anywhere, however OBJECTS you need to care.


  • not dynamic, fixed size.
  • Contiguous block in memory (Static length), so size to be initialized during declaration.
  • Every item occupies same memory
  • Object references(Strings) are of the same size.
  • To calculate address : X(starting addr) + ith elem * Y(Size of each elem) - 3 steps
  • Time to retrieve is same, if we know the index of elem. Constant time complexity - which is always 3 steps - O(1)
  • Worst time complexity O(n)
Arrays sample code
public class Arrays_ {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] array_ = new int[2];
        array_[0] = 1;
        array_[1] = 5;
        for (int i = 0; i < array_.length; i++) {
            System.out.println("Elem[" + i + "] : " + array_[i]);
> O/P > Elem[0] : 1 > Elem[1] : 5

Sort Algorithms

Bubble sort

  • Compare it with the next element
  • In-Place algorithm, O(n^2) - quadratic
  • 100 steps to sort 10 items, 10,000 for 100 items, algorithm degrades as steps increases.
  • It is stable sort, because we swap only when it is greater than > but not greater than equal >=

Selection sort

  • Keep track of the largest index
  • In-Place algorithm, O(n^2) - quadratic
  • Reduces swapping (only once per traversal) compared to bubble sort
  • Unstable algorithm - because we swap the largest with the last index, so we might pick up the twin and place it front.

Insertion sort

  • Pick 1 element from unsorted and place it in correct sorted position. It does by shifting right, making extra room for the new element
  • In-Place algorithm, O(n^2) - quadratic
  • Stable algorithm - we stop when we find <= elem, so the duplicate elem, will be placed next to it.
  • Sometimes there is lot of shifitng involved, when the small number is places at the last.

Shell sort

  • In-place, time complexity depends on gap, Worst case O(n^2)
  • Unstable
  • Can improve even bubble sort using this, can decrease the swaps

Search Algorithms

Linear Search code
  public static int linear_search(int searchElem) {
      for (int i = 0; i < arr_.length; i++) {
          if (arr_[i] == searchElem) {
              return i;
      return -1; // searchElem not found
  • TC : O(N) is worst case, if element is not found and we have to iterate the whole list.
  • Data must be sorted


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